Ruby Grapefruit Scones and Pink Grapefruit Curd with Greek Yoghurt

On the Caribbean island of Barbados situated on the west coast in the parish of St James there is a coral stone house, known as Prudence. A magical house with an intriguing past. Growing in its garden there is a tall evergreen grapefruit tree. The perfume that it emits from waxy, star-shaped flowers when the early morning sun hits was memorable, and when the moon was full and the fruit hung heavy and ripe on the branches, they glowed like yellow Chinese lanterns. That grapefruit tree always afforded some kind of spectacle to the garden. A welcome and regular breakfast treat at Prudence were warm, grapefruit scones spread with fresh grapefruit curd and served with some natural yoghurt. An amusing and delicious twist to British scones, cream and jam and one that was a little surprising at first on that breakfast table in paradise, one however, that certainly made you smile.

This tangy round fruit was believed to have originated on the island of Barbados sometime during the eighteenth century. Thought to be the result of cross-fertilisation over time between the sweet orange and the Pomelo fruit. The grapefruit has an evocative Latin name, citrus x paradisi, equally evocative is the local Bajan name for them of ‘Forbidden Fruit’.

The scones are delicious when eaten warm and made exceptional with the sweet citrus curd. In my recipe I have used ruby grapefruit for the scones and the curd is made with a pink grapefruit variety. The pink grapefruit curd will keep for a week if kept in the refrigerator, I doubt however that it will last that long. If you intend to use yellow fruits it tastes just as good, marginally less sweet, but you may prefer that alongside the sweetness from the grapefruit curd. This breakfast will transport you to paradise and make you smile, sunshine on a plate. A perfect beginning to any day.

Pink Grapefruit Curd
454g jam jar

200 ml freshly squeezed pink grapefruit
1 tbsp zest of grapefruit
200 gms golden caster sugar
100 gms melted butter
4 large free range egg yolks

In a metal bowl over a pan filled with 30 cms water, on a very low heat, whisk the egg yolks and sugar until creamy. Add the grapefruit zest and slowly stir in the butter. Trickle in the juice, stirring all the while. Combine the mixture well until it thickens and coats the back of your spoon, around ten minutes or so. The colour of the curd will deepen and become more translucent. Remove from the heat and beat the curd for about five minutes. Spoon into a clean, sterilised jar and store in the refrigerator until needed.

Ruby Grapefruit Scones
makes 8 large or 16 small

128 gms plain flour
70 gms golden caster sugar
2 heaped tspns baking powder
pinch of bicarbonate of soda
pinch of fine salt
150 gms cold diced unsalted butter
177 ml double cream
zest of 1 Ruby Grapefruit

In a large bowl sift the flour and the baking powder, salt and bicarbonate of soda. Combine well with the golden caster sugar and the grapefruit zest. Add to this your chilled diced butter, using the tips of your fingers lightly rub the butter into the flour to form large breadcrumbs. Next slowly add the cream and mix with your hands, this is the only way to know how much liquid to put in. The mix needs to be firm and not too sticky, give it a light knead, about 3 or 4 turns. Roll out onto a lightly floured surface to about 3 cms thick. Cut to your desired size and place on a piece of baking parchment on a cookie tray, spaced apart as they spread a little in the oven. Put the tray in the centre of your pre-heated oven for about 15 minutes depending on your oven or until golden brown. Place on a baking rack to cool. Serve with the chilled pink grapefruit curd and some thick Greek yoghurt.



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